Collection: Gluten Free Protein Bars

Finding gluten free protein bars that taste delicious and have healthy ingredients can be a challenge. Our protein bars are gluten free, nut-free, allergy-free, and vegan, so you can confidently enjoy every bite without worrying about side effects. Choose from 6 delicious flavor options of protein bars.

What Are Gluten Free Protein Bars?

Gluten free protein bars are snacks that provide high amounts of protein and nutrients without any gluten, making them suitable for most individuals.

Our gluten-free protein bars are specifically made for people with allergies and food sensitivities. They come in 6 flavors - 3 chocolate and 3 fruit flavors.

Benefits Of Choosing Amrita's Gluten Free Protein Bars

High In Plant-Based Protein

Each Amrita gluten free protein bar has at least 15g of plant-based protein with a complete amino acid profile. The proteins come from brown rice or peas that provides all the essential nutrients for muscle repair and growth, immune function, and the synthesis of hormones.

For those following a vegetarian or vegan diet, these bars are a great source of protein to help you fill in your daily protein requirements without settling for animal-based or whey proteins.

We get our protein from brown rice and peas, and we make sure not to use any animal-based ingredients.

Low In Sugar

Not only are we gluten free, we also don't overload our bars with unnecessary sugar or sweeteners. We only use natural ingredients and no artificial ones. It's all about hitting that sweet spot of flavor and nutrition and making the perfect bar.

We use dates and fruits to give our protein bars a naturally sweet taste and keep them low in sugar content, so you don't have to worry about sugar spikes and crashes.

Full Of Dietary Fibers

Our bars aren't just about protein;. They're packed with dietary fibers that keep your gut happy and your blood sugar levels stable.

They'll keep you feeling full for longer and avoid random hunger crashes. A great option for people with food sensitivites or gluten intolerance.

Healthy Fats

These protein bars are loaded with healthy kind of fats that help your body absorb vitamins better and are great for your energy, heart, and brain function.

Healthy fat sources, like flaxseeds and chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and are crucial for brain health and reducing inflammation throughout the body.

Not only do they support heart health, they also help with cognitive function and joint health.


Our gluten free protein bars are also free from the top 8 allergies and are vegan, soy-free, and nut-free. We have a whole-foods based option for individuals with food sensitivities, because we know how hard it is to find snacks if you have allergies.

We're commited to making snacks that are allergen-friendly and we ensure that each bar is produced in a facility that strictly avoids cross-contamination with allergens.

That way, YOU don't have to worry about enjoying a protein bars, and have no trouble sharing it in your school, office, or workspace.

Quick and Convenient Snacks

For anyone that's regularly in a hurry, these protein bars are a game-changer. They're an easy way to make sure you're getting in all the protein and nutrition you need. And the best part? They're gluten-free and you can enjoy them confidence!

Even busy professionals, active kids, and athletes fill in their gaps with Amrita's protein bars.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are all Amrita's protein bars suitable for individuals with allergies?

That's exactly what we made them for! People with allergies and food sensitivities. We only use plant-based ingredients and avoid adding any gluten or other allergens to our bars.

How much protein does one of your gluten free protein bars contain?

Most of our protein bars contain around 15g of plant-based protein and all the essential amino acids you need for optimal muscle growth and recovery.

Are gluten free protein bars good for weight loss?

They are great protein bars for weight loss as a part of a balanced diet. They're a great source of protein which means you can cut 200-300 calories daily and still keep your muscles.

Can I use gluten free protein bars as a meal replacement?

While they are a convenient snack, they are not designed to be full meal replacements.

Most bars do not include nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are necessary for optimal body function, so it's best to fit them into a well-balanced diet.

Do Amrita's gluten free protein bars contain any artificial ingredients?

No, they don't. We craft our protein bars with natural, plant-based ingredients only, and avoid using any artificial flavors, colors, or additives.